Important Note:
Please note that aftermarket remote controls are not universally compatible. They are designed for specific aftermarket systems.
If you're here without checking your existing remote's FCC ID/Part Number or your system model under the dash, please contact us at:
This is a Checkmate-Commander remote with the FCC ID of JT3KT7A. It has 4 buttons. It has a Red light. The remote comes with programming instructions and a battery.
Note: Many shops fail to connect the grey wire to the ignition when they install the systems that use this remote. The consequence is that the system can't detect when you try to enter programming mode. Please do this test before ordering this remote to ensure you will be able to perform the programming.
If you have a working remote, open the door, turn ignition to ON, press Lock button on remote. If you get a soft siren chirp and the LED light turns ON-solid, then order this remote. If this method does not get you a chirp or change the LED from ON-solid to OFF or OFF to ON-Solid, then do not order the remote as you will require some re-wiring of the system before programming could be done.
If you have NO working remote, turn the key to ON, press the valet button. If you get a soft siren chirp and the LED light turns ON-solid, then order this remote. If this method does not get you a chirp or change the LED from ON-solid to OFF or OFF to ON-Solid, then do not order the remote as you will require some re-wiring of the system before programming could be done.