Often the button pads of remotes wear out over time. It can become hard to read the icons on the buttons or worse, they can become unusable. This replacement button pad allows you to fix your old remote rather than replace the whole remote. This button pad fits remotes with an FCC ID of AB01502T or AB01602T or L2C0005T. This will work if your remote is one of these GM part numbers: 12223132, 12223134, 09378610, 09378620, 12223130, 12223130-50, 12223131, 19115765, 19115766, 16259819, 16196066, 16183016, 16259829, 16245100, 16245104, 16245100-29, 16207901-5, 16245103, 16245105, 16245102, 30023942, 16263074-99, 09353029, 16245106, 09353039.